Game Time: Retro Video Game Photography

Video games have always been a part of my life since I was a kid. I have some very fond memories of gaming; Memories ranging from playing N64 across the street at my best friend's house, to watching my brother play Resident Evil on Playstation because I was too scared to play it (don’t laugh at me!). I recently started a retro gaming collection and of course I wanted to get some dramatic photos of what I have. It’s a small start but I’m looking to grow the collection.
Sega Genesis
Some of my earliest memories of gaming is on the Sega Genesis. This is actually Sega’s third system after the SG-1000 and the Master System. When you hear the name Sega, most people's memories would go to Sonic The Hedgehog. Though I enjoyed playing Sonic, my favorite games on the Sega Genesis are Streets of Rage 2 and 3. I recently just bought the mini version of the Genesis and got to play some of my favorite games growing up.
While I didn’t play much of the Atari while growing up, I do appreciate what it did to the gaming industry. It paved the way for a lot of gaming companies that stand today. Pong is by far one of the most recognizable games that was on the Atari.
Original Xbox
The original Xbox was a big step for Microsoft and it’s 1st step into console gaming. I remember when launched, they had this gigantic controller which people made fun of( I like it though). They eventually made a smaller controller. One of the biggest things Xbox was promoting was Xbox Live, their online gaming service. Xbox Live was sleek and very intuitive, though it wasn’t the first system to do online gaming. I had a whole bunch of games for Xbox including Halo of course. But One of my favorite games though was Def Jam Fight For NY. The gameplay, the story, the customization was amazing. Plus you get to fight as one of favorite rappers!
SNK’s Neo Geo Mini
SNK became well known during booming arcade era. They created tons of arcade classics, including Metal Slug. SNK was insanely popular in Japan, though it did have some popularity in the U.S as well. SNK then became well known in the fighting game genre. Popular titles include, Samurai Shodown, King Of Fighters and Fatal Fury(favorite character of course is Terry Bogard). SNK’s biggest competition was Capcom. They even made a game that imitated Street Fighter called The Art of Fighting. Street Fighter fired back at SNK by creating a joke character named Dan Hibiki, who was a parody of Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia. What made the Neo Geo unique is that the MVS and AES had games catrdidges straight from the arcade and the ability to use memory cards on the arcade cabinets and console. The Neo Geo consoles were also insanely expensive($699!). SNK released a mini arcade cabinet version of the Neo Geo and I’m loving these mini consoles.
Sega Dreamcast
The Sega Dreamcast is probably one of the most innovative and revolutionary systems of all time. I say that because it was the very 1st game system to introduce online gaming. The Dreamcast had a built in modem where players can connect to play together. This was unheard of at the time in 1998-1999. They also had the unique visual memory card that had a build in screen; often showing different animation that’s going on during gameplay. And let’s talk about the graphics and games. Dreamcast’s graphics were truly stellar at the time and above the competition(it even rivaled the PS2 when it came out). The Dreamcast also produced some of the best game series that we still play today( NBA 2K, Soul Calibur, etc). This system is probably one of my favorites from all time. Unfortunately, due to poor marketing and the insanely popular PS2 that was getting ready to launch in 2000, it didn’t have a long life span. Still have mine to this day.
Well I hope you enjoyed the brief history and photos I captured of my small collection. Some of the photos are available for prints, ready to decorate your office or game room! You can purchase them on Etsy or right here on the website.